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You bring the topic, we’ll do the rest

Sometimes your business just has very specific needs. Whatever you want to train your employees in, we can help. From research through to video production and course creation - we’ve got you covered!

A man and a woman wearing virtual reality (VR) glasses in the office.
A man and a woman wearing virtual reality (VR) glasses in the office.
A man and a woman wearing virtual reality (VR) glasses in the office.


Our course content creation process

We deliver cutting-edge bespoke content and course design tailored to meet your organisation’s unique needs. Embrace the future of work with confidence as our subject matter experts empower your workforce to stay ahead of the curve in today’s ever-changing landscape. Unlock your organisation’s true potential with our tailor-made solutions, preparing your teams for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. Partner with academyEX, where learning meets the future of work.

Subject expertise

Our content creation process begins with in-depth topic research, meticulously tailored to meet your organisation's specific needs. Drawing on our industry and academic expertise, we develop relevant and impactful content that meets the learning requirements for your organisation. From highly technical and specific knowledge, to more generic compliance and accreditation topics, our highly capable team of researchers and specialists can meet all your business learning needs.

A group of people sitting around a table in an office and assessing course content.

A group of people in the process sitting around a table with sticky notes

Training content

As a highly reputable educational institution, our training and learning content is written by subject matter experts and academics to engage, inspire, and empower your team. Each module, course and programme is thoughtfully developed to build knowledge based on proven education design principles. Our proven approach has been tested and provided results for over 10 years, ensuring your organisation benefits from our deep experience as course content creators.

Video and audio production

Our production team brings your learning needs to life with captivating visuals, compelling storytelling and engaging audio options. Our focus is on supporting your team to embrace learning in the workplace, on the move, or wherever they find themselves with some spare time.

A man and woman in the process of video production standing in front of a camera in a living room.


Learning for diverse needs

Sometimes the biggest barrier when it comes to learning new skills, is how we are delivered the information. Our courses make sure that however your employees learn, there is a way for them to digest the knowledge in a fun, efficient and informative way.



To make sure all learners can easily understand our content, we use simple words and language to explain even complex topics.



Providing text that shows what's being said and heard in videos, aids those with hearing difficulties or anyone watching without sound.

Language options

Language options

For many learners, English is not their first language. We offer video captions in a range of languages, from Simplified Chinese to Hindi.



Video transcripts provide another way for learners to digest content. Great for those who prefer to read, or who like to print and take notes.


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